When I started Noon Update I intended to along with friends write about music, and cover as many genres as I could. I wanted to build something that would be read by any lover of music, and was intended to be in the same vein as NME or Pitchfork. While I love listening to music, I found that it isn't so easy to sit down and listen objectively to an album every single week (while still working a full time job), and even harder to convince your friends to do the same. There were also times when I would really want to write about something, and had no venue to do so. Simply because I had limited this site to things musical only. On top of that I am currently working on a start up which takes a lot of time. So I have decided to hit the reset button.
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Instead, now I intend to not put Noon Update in a box. The photo above illustrates Hillary Clinton hitting the reset button for Russia while she was secretary of state. Though that may not have exactly gone as planned I can certainly say that this site will now be a place for any and all types of stories to be written, by myself or by friends if I can dare convince them.
Editor in Chief
James Michael Whitney